
The Blackberry Connection....

Late summer is the blackberry season.

In the afternoon we collect fresh berries from the garden

for a delicious smoothy.

The recipe is as simple as

a generous portion of blackberries

mixed with 150 g. of yoghurt.

Chill it in the freezer for about 15 minutes …

simply irresistable.



From shavasana (total relaxation or corpse pose) we bend the knees, feet resting flat on the floor close to the hips. Hands are placed at shoulder level, elbows up, palms flat on the floor, fingers pointing towards the feet. We inhale and exhale, relaxing in this position. While inhaling, we use head, hands and feet to slowly push up in a backward bend. We maintain the position, breathing and relaxing. With every inhale we push the backwards stretch just a little bit further, gently, without forcing. Exhaling we lower our head and body.

This exercise confronts us directly with our fears. We easily bend forwards but to bend backwards is uncommon and causes fear and apprehension. With this exercise we build our self-confidence and willpower and we learn to see the world from another perspective.

This exercise tones the back and the legs completely. It strengthens and makes flexible the chest, stomach and waist, as well as the neck, hands, legs and feet. It gives excellent control over the body. 



'Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence' 

"Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence"(Quoting Patanjali, Indian sage who lived more than 2000 years ago)


Standing in mountain pose, the back straight, as if connected by a gold thread from the crown chakra to the heavens, the head slightly inclined in Jalandhara bandha ( chin lock ) proud and humble at the same time, we pay our respects to the rising sun. We greet a new day and rejoice gratefully.


Bicycle Kora

An exhilarating way to discover the beautiful surroundings of Bargemon is by bike. A 30 km loop or kora passes through Seillans, Claviers & Bargemon.

Starting from the Mas, a 5 km steady climb up and 5 km whirling down, at the speed you yourself control, takes you down to Seillans. Spectacular panoramas, as far as the azure blue sea, roll before your eyes. 

From Seillans a former railroad track makes for easy riding to the charming village of Claviers, offering a superb view of Bargemon, the target of return.

After a tough final climb back up to Bargemon, Pieter, making the kora for the first time on his birthday,  felt reborn - after catching his breath!


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